Amber Grubenmann

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The Solution To Dating Anxiety

I am currently offering an intensive 3-month 1:1 coaching program for people who want to stop feeling anxiety while dating or in a relationship.

Do you:

-Constantly check your phone and worry about him texting you back?

-Second guess everything you do and say in dating?

-Have anxiety related to your dating situation that is so bad that you just want to stay home and do nothing?

-Only feel okay when you are physically with the person you are dating or at least in contact with them?

-Worry about your partner leaving you or cheating on you once you are in a relationship?

-Feel like you might never be able to have a healthy relationship free of anxiety?

Do you want to: 

-Feel completely relaxed and confident no matter what behavior the person you are dating is showing?

-Fully let someone love you because you are no longer afraid of them rejecting you?

-Have a sense of fun, spontaneity, and generally take dating situations less seriously?

-Feel certain that you will find an amazing person who loves you just as much as you love them?


If you answered yes to any of the above questions, I can help you. 


 Let's get started:


Copy & Paste Texts For When He Is Pulling Away Or Acting Flaky

Everything you need to know.